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       校庆40周年(Nov 2005) 
The Greeting Card is Ready !
We have exceeded our goal of 42,000 Yuan ! Thank you all !!!!!! 

1. Dear NA GW77ers plus Li Pei: 

Thank you very much for your support. Your kindness and generosity will certainly make a difference for the students who are the recipients of the gift.

When I sent out the fundraising letter in late September, I was not sure where we would end up at. 

There are so many different demands pulling at us. Nature has its shares in the Tsunami and Katrina. Schools have its boosters fund, parents fund, class activities fund, teacher-underpaid fund and you name it. At work, you may have to chip in for aids walk, heart walk, lung walk, liver walk, birthday card, condolence card, farewell card, get-well card, United Way, girl-scout cookies and even St. Patrick’s Day lunch. At home, you cannot forget your church or your affiliated party if you happen to be on their mailing list.

However, the outpouring enthusiasm and quick response from you changed the ball game. Today, six weeks and 45,000 yuan later, I am pondering whether I should start a new career, to go pro.

Anyway, at the end of October, we are sitting on 45,103 yuan. 40,000 will go to the establishment of a fund to support students who have financial needs; 2,000 something will be used for two trees. After deducting some miscellaneous expenses in printing the card in Guangzhou, we will have some change to spare. I am suggesting that we also send a present to Mr. Cai Yong Jian. If you say “Yes,” we’ll leave it to Qiao Xin to choose one. The remainder can be sent to the fund some other day.

To wrap up, here are a few items I’d like to address:

For the survey, we are in consensus for A1, B1 and D1. For item C, it is 50/50. Qiao Xin will talk Cai Laoshi to find out more and ask for the college’s input. We can make a more informed decision from there.

Lin Yang Ming, thanks for bring this idea to the floor.

Liang Xiao Hong, sorry to disappoint you for the name sorting. Some couples wanted their names to be next to each other; therefore, family trumps other sorting method.

Zhang Xiao Xi, except for me, you were both the first and the last to send in your contributions. This is not a breach in the confidentiality vow, right?

A contributor is not listed in the card at his request.

I’d like to thank Feng Yong Liang for his hours and hours of effort in producing such a wonderful anniversary card, Tang He and Li Jiemei for editing the letters and Lei Shijie (John) for the photo.

Of course, I haven’t forgotten Chairman Qiao, who now has the ball and will carry it to the end zone.

All in all, thank everyone for making this another success story after our LV reunion.

Zhou Xiong Yao (bxzhou1@hotmail.com) 

2. Please click the picture and wait to see a larger image(you may need to click your brower's Refresh icon or press PC's F5 key to access the image), thank you.

3. Qiao Xin met with Teacher Cai and the College Head yesterday. He inspected the tree location. It is right behind the Main Classroom building where we used to study. The College will give him a 4-minute time slot on 11/5 to deliver our message. He intends to read our letter to the students and to encourage them to 'Learn the English Language, and Have No Fear going to the Rivers and Lakes'. He will try to gather some more GW77 alumni in GZ to attend the ceremony.


4. Here is the letter in Chinese to be sent with the check.



岁月悠悠, 我们离开校园,走入社会,已过了二十三个春秋。但是,时光的流逝,没有减轻我们对母校栽培的感激;重洋的分隔,没有阻断我们对母校亲情的思念。

为了表达对母校的感谢, 我们特筹集了一笔捐款共计人民币四万元, 用来设立助学基金,以帮助在校的品学兼优的特困生。 希望他们牢记“明德尚行,学贯中西”的校训,自强不息,成为德才兼备的人,为强国富民作出贡献。


(排名不分先后)赵幼华 贺平 陈效筠 黄一河 许步刚 李世平 余蓉 廖果红 梁晓红 雷世界 张小西 罗耀明 古劲威 雷泽深 李兰 方贯虹 林格 乔欣 李莉 张少燕 李洁梅 梁安莹 冯永良 林杨明 周雄耀 蹇浩 袁德新 唐和 刘和平 孙明 郑翔野 张彩虹 钟文辉 肖达 李沛(维也纳)

5. 母 校 神 游( 11月5日,母校庆祝40周年华诞。我心驰神往,与众师友欢聚,其乐融融。Chen Yongqin, GW77 Class 5)


千 秋 岁 (贺母校四秩华诞,Chen Yongqin)


6. Dear NA GW77ers: The beat goes on. I have received repeated contributions from a few of you. 
As of today, we are at 39,000 yuan, just a tad below the target of 42,000 yuan. However, I guarantee we will get there.

Also, I am happy to announce that we have our first Honorary Alum in Li Pei from Vienna. Now, does anyone have a name ready for the Fund? You don’t want me to come up with another multiple choice selections, right?

A reminder to the timeline: the fundraising has no deadline because we can still send our money over to the Fund periodically after the 40th Anniversary, but you need to let me know by October 28, Friday to be included in the Anniversary Card.

Zhou Xiong Yao (bxzhou1@hotmail.com)


7. Dear North American GW77ers: The celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the founding of GW will be held on November 5th, 2005 in Guangzhou. There have been discussions that we, as a group, should send a gift to GW to express our gratitude and appreciations for this special occasion. 
It is been suggested that the funds we collect will be used to provide assistance to current students who demonstrate good moral character and scholarship and have a pressing financial need.

An article in the school’s website indicates that some of these students are currently receiving 2,000 RMB a year. Our plan is to collect enough money between now and early November so that we can offer to sponsor 5 or more students. Please go to www.GW77.com to find more discussions on this.

Because November is approaching fast, I have come up with a contingent way to collect the contributions.

Your checks should be made out to Xin Chiao (Chairman Qiao) and be sent to:Zhou Xiong Yao, 500 Jones Place, Walnut Creek, CA 94597

I’ll do the tally and make the deposits, but I will not have signing authority to move the funds. Chairman Qiao has the authority and will cut a check to GW when WE instruct him to.

I’ll be the only one who will know how much an individual has donated and I promise I’ll keep it confidential. In addition, I will give the group an update on a regular basis by posting the totals in the message board. 

Thank you in advance for your support. Zhou Xiong Yao (bxzhou1@hotmail.com)

Email Us: admin@gw77.com